Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mommy Break Down...

So today, with two teething toddlers, I have had not just one, not just two but several Mommy break-downs!  That's right, I'm admitting I have lost my mind and marbles today.  I was getting the kiddos ready to head out for our weekly grocery store run.  Fiona was screaming from the time I changed her diaper all the way into the car.  Gavyn decided it looked and sounded really fun so he joined in as well.  So here I am, diaper bag hanging off my shoulder, Fiona screaming while hanging from my arms and Gavyn screaming while following me and pulling on my legs.  Get the picture!  Safely bucked them into their seats (they are both still screaming and whining), slammed the van door and sat in the grass...alone...in the rain...it was pure bliss.  While I could still hear a faint scream, it wasn't in my face or on my legs.  After a couple yoga breaths, I got up and into the van.  Instantly turned on Baby Einstein CD and DVD (thank goodness for my van and it's movie player!!) and it was a miracle, all was calm!  Thank you, God!!  So that was just the START of my day.  It only gets better from there.

As I'm sitting here in my lovely quite space, I realize how much I love the piece and quiet BUT life would be empty with out my kids.  Don't get me wrong...Nap-time is Mommy's happy time!!!

May all you Mommy's get some piece and quiet today,

 Beautiful Maui, Hawaii!  If that doesn't help you take your troubles away, I don't know what will.  The ultimate peace and calm...just missing the fo-fo umbrella drink :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"Thanks" in a Nut Shell

Today I am thankful!  Thankfulness is something that I haven't always grasped or felt for quite some time but today I am feeling it at full force!  Some days I feel deserving, other days I feel unworthy, and most days I've changed enough diapers and folded too much laundry where I forget about it all together.  But today is a new day and today is a day full of thanks.  Thankful for my husband taking a nap on the  fold-out Elmo couch in the middle of the living room, don't forget the snoring.  Thankful for my corny lifetime movies.  Thankful for my mother who just called and said she made me Chicken Parm. for dinner...talk about serious thankfulness!!  Thankful for God and all the wonderful "sisters" in my life!  I can't even begin to imagine my life without them.  How did I manage to live 27 years without them in my life??  I'm just so grateful I have them now, to share in the good, the bad, and the in-between!  Thankful for paci's because of the way they can instantly calm my kiddos...they are miracle workers.  Thanks don't stop there but there are so so so many things in my life that are blessings.  Even that small things like bottled Diet Coke....I could go on for hours or even days but I could possibly bore some (just possibly).  Just grateful for my day of thanks and hoping I can find myself giving thanks more often!

Thanks for spending your time in my Thanks :)

Here is a verse that helps me through my day as a busy, forgetful, and imperfect Mommy:
Matthew 6:33,34
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."
My Fiona admiring her best friend, My Gavyn.  While Gavyn admires his best friend, Robots (the movie).  They are truly something to be thankful for!